Sunday, October 26, 2014

The price of being NICE.

First off, I worked as a law enforcer for 27 years in San Diego County. Dealing with Illegal Aliens was a daily experience. There were two times that I came close to being crippled or killed, and both were by Illegal Aliens.

Secondly, I saw the continuing contamination of California by more Illegals entering and at the same time, the pandering to their interests by Democrats wanting votes and Republicans in Name Only wanting greater profits from "Cheap Labor" ( They would be paid cash-under the table-less that Union wages, no benefits--no taxes collected on that money) .

Any complaint was met with, "You are not compassionate" , or La Raza's favorite--"You are racist."

You have to understand the culture of Mexico and Central America to grasp how they are going to respond to you.

In their corrupt countries, it is OK to bribe. In fact, they depend on it to influence police and politicians. (Kind of like how Obama is running the U S)  The escalation from this is what you see from the Cartels: Dead bodies found that have been tortured, decapitated, genitals cut off pre-mortem.

In their world, they rationalize beating or killing local police by deciding that they are corrupt.  And, if you can kill a cop, and get out of town, you are HOME FREE.

Part of the process in California was that Rep Loretta Sanchez  was elected by Illegal Aliens in 1996

From former Congressman Duncan Hunter, I learned that after the election, Bob Dornan complained that Illegals voted. The Federal Elections Commission drug their feet, and did not start an investigation until six weeks later. (REMEMBER BILL CLINTON was President)
They found that a Hispanic branch of ACORN had organized these Illegals, had them vote and left town for Mexico right after the election.

Now, to day before yesterday's shooting in Placer and Sacramento Counties in California.
You had a man --using a fictitious name, which is common among Illegals living in California-
with a violent history--that had he been arrested before, he would have been released by the arresting police Dept or sheriff's office.

Local jails refusing to hold illegal immigrant offenders, forcing feds to track them down

As a Private Investigator AFTER my Highway Patrol career, I found that Worker's Compensation Claimants doing fraud--that were about 85% Illegals--often had signed up for other welfare benefits.
In one case I called the Los Angeles County to inform them that a Claimant that I was investigating had signed up for welfare, using a relative's name.
The person answering got angry, said it was none of their business, "We distribute-we don't investigate", and said the payments would continue.

You found that:
The Insurance Company just wanted to stop paying them.
Only ONE county's Prosecutor would prosecute them for fraud.
Immigration was not interested.

So, California, and all you Illegal Alien friendly States and Sanctuary Cities,   two dead Deputies are just a small sample of what you get "for being a nice guy".

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Those that ignore history--Electing Hillary

My thought begins with the ends of World War II, and continues with Democrats in office since then. 

We ended with WWII with the atom bomb. Going back in history, wars were won with ferocious, no-quarter given action. Genghis Khan conquered Asia, the middle East, India, and Eastern Europe. He conquered their military, then occupied the region. Should one of his people be killed in an area or village, he eliminated the population there. 

Now, to 1950. China and N. Korea decide to annex S Korea. Democrat Harry Truman declares it " A Police Action", and fires the military commander who tries to win that conflict. Essentially that war is still going as there is a TRUCE, not a Peace Treaty or surrender by N Korea.

Going up to the late 1950's, we have Communist backed surrogates declare N Vietnam to be a country, and militarily eject France from their colonial holding.  They then begin the attempt to annex S. Vietnam with Soviet Union's assistance. 
Unfortunately, Pres Kennedy, who approved out "Assisting S  Vietnam was assassinated,
allowing your classic Democratic politician, LBJ to become President. 

Johnson, like our present day CIC, both micromanaged the conflict, shorted the military of both supplies and permission to operate effectively. Our troops were sacrificed to "Show that we cared" .

Enter Jimmy Carter, Another half-hearted  Democrat, with more attention to his image tan the safety and well-being of the United States. He allowed the Shah of Iran and be replaced with fanatical Islam.  Feeling pressure about people taken hostage from our Embassy in Tehran, he sent a "rescue" effort that literally crashed and burned in the desert of Iran. 

The hostages were released when Ronald Reagan assured the Ayatollah that a nuclear weapon would visit them if they were still held after his inauguration 

Now, we have Bill Clinton. Bubba tries to show he cares, placing U S military in Somalia, again depriving them of manpower and needed equipment.  All I have to say here is--Remember Black Hawk Down. 

Meanwhile, back at home, Hillary is conducting a war on News Media and Journalists. Writers who oppose Bubba and her are visited by the IRS and  FBI agents. 

Obama is elected. His asinine dream of a perfect world is attempted. As a consolation prize, Hillary is given the post of Secretary of State.  Both she and Obama are acolytes of Saul Alinsky , who learned his transnational tactics from Al Capone.

While Obama is conducting a secret conflict in Syria, having had his fanatic Islamist brothers depose Moamar Kdhaddafy in Libya, he is now using a secret location in Benghazi, Libya to forward arms to "Freedom Fighters" would become our present day ISIS.

The secret location--not an embassy, but an outpost that was often occupied by our ambassador to Libya. That ambassador had repeatedly requested more security measures--Which Hillary ignored .

My point is--If you elect Hillary--or any other Democrat, expect:

--Troops to be sent to far away locations to be sacrificed to the theme of "WE CARE" 

--Critics here at home to be intimidated by Government agencies, just like our recent IRS misuse. 

--American citizens to be attacked at will any time they are in a foreign country, abused, injured, and killed (Example--USMC Sgt Tahmorissi in Mexico) 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rep Duncan D Hunter shows that he is a Marine RE Sgt Tahmorrissi